You might think the best high fiber foods are commercially prepared or natural whole grains, such as cold cereal, crackers or even brown rice So not true. You might be surprised to find out that the best high fiber foods...
Eat This Best Food To Lower Cholesterol
The debate over egg yolks and heart health risk needs to end now. In fact, the egg yolk may just be one of the best foods to lower cholesterol. While it is true eggs are a high in cholesterol, they may just be the best food to...
Keto Diet Resources
Is A Ketogenic Diet For You? Is a keto diet for you? If you seek diet information, you’ll find it everywhere. Diet-related topics are plastered all over the media. On a daily basis, there’s information on what to eat...
Quick Weight Loss Tips: Win The Weight Loss War
We all want quick weight loss. Most of the time quick weight loss rapidly turns itself around to an even more rapid weight gain. If you have five pounds or one hundred pounds to lose, battling the bulge is not easy. 7 Quick...
Type 1 Diabetes Diet & Management Tips
Achieve normal blood sugar, emotional stability and mental clarity using a ketogenic diet and personalized self blood sugar monitoring.
The Pre-Diabetes Truth
Pre-diabetes is NOT a mild form of diabetes. It is both its own medical condition and the second stage of five diabetes stages. Learn why normal blood sugar is important for pre-diabetes.
Catch High Blood Sugar Symptoms Early: 30 Tell-Tale Signs
No matter who you are, no matter how much you weigh and REGARDLESS of your family history, be aware of the 30 tell tale high blood sugar symptoms.
Type 2 diabetes is a result of over 10 years of a struggling pancreas. There are 5 stages of type 2 diabetes. Knowing what each stage is can help you manage blood sugar better. Early blood sugar care matters.
Manage Exercise and Blood Sugar
Exercise can raise or lower blood sugar. Use exercise as a way to feel good, manage blood sugar, improve sleep and moods.
There are many Fat Burning Foods to choose from when carbohydrates are controlled. Saturated fat (from butter and dairy, beef, chocolate, and coconut) and unsaturated fat are healthy foods that support good health and help...
The Best Diet for High Blood Sugar
Which foods make up the best diet for high blood sugar? You may be very surprised to learn how delicious eating can be.
‘Low-Carb, Pregnancy & Kids’ | Maria Emmerich and Valerie Berkowitz
[karma_by_kadar__simple_player title=”Click to play” color=”10″ src=”;] This week we turn the topic of attention to all the great low-carb moms and future moms of the world who might be wondering how...
Valerie Goldstein Explains The High-Fat, Low-Carb ‘Fat Fix’
[karma_by_kadar__simple_player title=”Click to play” color=”10″ src=”;] About a year ago, I had an Atkins-mentored physician from New York City appear on my podcast show named Dr. Keith Berkowitz who...
Chill Through the Summer Heat! Valerie Berkowitz,RD-author
[karma_by_kadar__simple_player title=”Click to play” color=”10″ src=”;] Moms, it has already been a long hot summer. The usual summer schedule chaos is aggrevated by the super hot temperatures. What...
Diet and Nutrition Plans: Knowing WTE Isn’t Easy
There are too many popular diet and nutrition philosophies. They create confusion. Many people ask the simple question, "What are healthy foods to eat"?