How Fitness Exercises Can Be Your Way Out of Health Crisis

fitness exercises

girls doing fitness exercises

"Exercise has not proven to be a useful tool for weight loss. It will help maintain weight already lost", they say.

"Poppycock," I say.

It's all in the type (moderate to high intensity) and duration of the fitness exercises.

The Affect of Fitness Exercises on Insulin Resistance

A recent study in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity has shown that moderate to vigorous activities (not cardiovascular exercise) that are consistently performed for 60 minutes every day can improve insulin resistance (IR) by 25%. When the fitness exercise was increased to 2 hours, IR decreased by 50%¹.

Why Fitness Exercises Is Important?

Exercise acts similar to the diabetes drug Metformin. Metformin improves glucose uptake in the muscle cells. This makes the body pumps out less insulin. Walking may help a little but the big effect will come from HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) or strength training.

HIIT and weight lifting are the difference between exercise working and adding little benefit.

Controlling insulin resistance can help correct difficulties with weight loss, blood sugar, and cholesterol and a host of other health parameters. Apart from fitness exercises, an insulin resistance diet can also help maintain correct these difficulties.

In the United States, an estimated 60-70 million individuals are affected by insulin resistance. More than 40% of the public, 50 years of age or older, may be at risk for insulin resistance. However, it can affect anyone at any age. Insulin resistance has a major role in the development of the metabolic syndrome, obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)².

HITT Fitness Exercises

Here are few HIIT Fitness Exercise. These are some of my favorite on the Internet. No matter what your interest or level of fitness, you may find one or a few that interest you.

  1. Lower body for strong legs.
  2. Fat Blaster.
  3. Descending Ladder of Pain.
  4. Train like an MMA(Mixed Martial Arts) fighter.
  5. Cardio and plyometrics.
  6. Five minutes to slim.
  7. Metabolism booster.
  8. Sports, stamina, speed.
  9. Body Firming.
  10. HIIT like a girl.
  11. Total boot camp.

It may go against everything you thought was true about exercise. You could say the same thing for diet. A few years ago there were no research studies showing the "Long-Term Effects of a Very Low-Carbohydrate Weight Loss Diet (35% protein, 4% carbohydrate, 61% fat) on Exercise Capacity and Tolerance in Overweight and Obese Adults"³

Fitness Exercise Wrap Up

Results show a very low carbohydrate diet did not "adversely" affect exercise performance. It led to burning more fat than a high carbohydrate, low-fat diet. Both diets affected aerobic capacity and muscle strength similarly. Now the same trend is happening with exercise and it is showing that there is more to meet than just the eye. Fitness exercises are a valuable tool for weight loss and improving health.

If you are not sold yet, check out the simple and detailed explanation of HIIT actually found within illustrations.

The right type of exercise (HIIT/strength training) on a daily basis for at least an hour is a MUST for anyone with an insulin-related medical condition. It worked for me. Try it, let me know how it has changed your life.

If you have not had a fitness exercise session in a while, do not overdo it. Work with a someone who can get you off to the right start.




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