I love Whitney Houston, may she R.I.P.! It feels surreal watching the videos and pictures of her when she was young. But she played a dangerous game of Russian roulette with drugs for many years and unfortunately lost. I pray for her daughter, and anyone else who is struggling with these demons, my prayers are for her to learn from this and rises above this devastating tragedy.
Addiction described by Merriam Webster, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/addiction, is a “compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance”. What I’d like to understand is why the reward system in the brain does not send the same euphoric message to the body when you make healthy choices? Can anyone help me understand?
For example, why not become addicted to a variety of foods (not one food but different foods) that provide healthy nutrients, like turkey, avocado or sauteed spinach because as they are consumed there should be a signal or “reward” felt for having filled a nutrient need for the body. This addiction to eating healthy balancing foods would make the body stronger. Why is it that things that are life threatening (drugs, alcohol, over and under-consumption of food, gambling or just playing videos) become staples you cannot live without?
Whether you are addicted to any type of drugs (doctor prescribed or those you can find on the street) , alcohol, food, game or anything that overtakes your life, get help and get it fast. Don’t live another day walking a tightrope with your life in your hands.
Too much of anything is dangerous. Balance your life.
Live well!