Excess Stress Keeps You Mess

Stress creates fluctuations in the body's balance of glutamate, telomeres, blood sugar, cytokines, muscle function and stomach acid as an underlying factor for many physical health ailments.

Kids: Fuel The Competitive Edge

Are you an athlete and want a competitive edge? Individual nutrition care plans with broad spectrum nutrients will get you there.

Statins: The Drug Deal

There are natural alternatives to statins. The first step is to speak with your doctor about eating a ketogenic diet, like the one I write about in my book, "The Stubborn Fat Fix" and using the supplements mentioned here, .

Winning The Hunger Game: 5 Strategies

Winning the hunger game is not easy but it is possible and attainable. Nourish your body (physically and emotionally), cravings disappear, appetite is controlled and you win!

Keeping it Low Carb: Shop and Eat Economically

Are you a smart shopper? Think before you stroll down the pasta aisle to save a few bucks. You might be surprised that the cost of weight loss, maintaining your weight or even your health when eating low carb foods is not as...

The Carbohydrate Cascade into Depression

It is difficult to change the way you think, to change what you believe but in this case, change may help you live a better life. Change the way you think about food and eating from calorie/fat phobic to a focus on physical and...