Top 5 Forgotten Superfoods (Four)

Can you say Ch, Ch, Ch, Chia? The 4th forgotten Super food is chia seed. What is Chia seed? It is the seed from the desert plant Salvia hispanica and a member of the mint family. The word chia is derived from the Aztec word...

Top 5 Forgotten Superfoods (Three)

"Researchers found that the Kuna Indians living on the islands had significantly lower rates of heart disease and cancer compared to those on the mainland who do not drink cocoa as on the islands."

Top 5 Forgotten Superfoods (Two)

2. Coconut, Palm & Red Palm Oil (Tropical Oils) & Ghee (India, Egypt, throughout the Middle East, and North Africa) Lose your fear of fat, not all fats are bad for you and this is true for saturated fats too. Fats are...

Top 5 "Forgotten" SuperFoods (One)

You may have read about “Superfoods”. Wikipedia defines “Superfood” as a term used to describe nutrient dense foods that are believed to provide health benefits. For example, blueberries have been...

Nutrition Care Improves IBS Symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), just like any other medical condition that affects the gut, can be devasting to a persons lifestyle. Living in fear of incontinence and the social dilema faced by those who suffer from IBS tops the...

Fat Functions To Promote Good Health

Well until I “fell” into a low carbohydrate lifestyle, I would have told you that fat functions to make you fat and that too much fat will negatively impact health leading to heart disease, cancer, diabetes… and...

The Yolk Is No Joke

There have been many debates over the health effects of egg yolks. The biggest is that eggs contain cholesterol. Currently the science community realizes that saturated fat has more of an effect on cholesterol than cholesterol...

Think This Not That-Strategy

Here are some strategies and examples of how to “Think This” and take action for weight loss success. THINK THIS 1. Ditch the all-or-nothing mindset. 2. Adopt a positive and supportive relationship with yourself. 3...

Think This Not That

So you are following a diet, any diet. The day starts off right on track. You get to work and something throws you for a loop: maybe you walk by the vending machine or a co-worker brings in doughnuts; it’s possible you get...

Dr. Atkins and Dr. Dean Ornish Finally Agree

I am laughing hysterically as I read “Insulin Resistance: The Hidden Disease You May Already Have” by Jack Challem, . No I am not laughing at the content of the article because the information reported is informative and...

Killing Two Birds With One Stone

According to the research study in my last blog , a no carbohydrate diet was found effective at delaying prostate cancer growth without having to restrict calories (the course for conventional cancer treatment includes starving...

Carbohydrate Restriction May Slow Prostate Tumor Growth

A study was released today that supports a low carbohydrate diet for the treatment of prostate cancer. It also supports the theory that you can eat more calories and still lose weight while following a low carbohydrate diet.

Things I Appreciate In a Good Conversation

Conversations happen all the time, good conversations are rare. As I thought about my week and what I wanted to blog about. I realized that my week was full of conversations with friends, family members and strangers who made me...