The Yo-Yo diet

The yo-yo diet does not get as much attention as it deserves. Personally, I believe it is much more popular than most realize. The yo-yo diet is actually the exact opposite of a diet. If you understand that "a diet" as described...

Parents Beware Everything You Say Is Being Recorded

Yes. Everything you say is being recorded by your kids. I know thin is in but I had a very disturbing conversation with a first grade teacher. She tells me that her students bring in 100 calorie snack packs and talk about how the...

Cancer Warning Labels on Soda for California in 2012

California is requiring that a cancer warning label be placed on brown colored sodas that contain caramel coloring because toxicology reports, in 2003 and 2005 from The National Institute of Health's National Toxicology Program...

Weight Loss Surgery The Magic Bullet

Weight loss surgery just might be the magic bullet you are looking for. Thin is in and with a quick snip, you could be on your way to losing all the weight you wish to lose...unless it kills you! If you are considering surgey do...

Dear Oprah: I Love You BUT…

Dear Oprah, I watched your Vegan Challenge show, . Your stuff is good, as usual, BUT I was blown away at how you chose to cover the meat angle (a slaughter house) and the vegan side, Kathy Freston (a gorgeous thin blond woman who...

Save Yourself From Dieting No No's

Moving into February do not lose motivation with your healthy eating New Year's resolutions. Here's 50 quick tips to help keep you going, . I'm sure you can find one or two that work for you. When you peel away the bells and...

Want Success? Get Used to it! Part II

GET -- USED TO IT! I'm not just talkin' exercise, if you're in the habit of doing a Starbucks Latte, save yourself 200 calories by trading it in for a TAZO tea (0 calories) and "GET -- USED TO IT", so that it is now your new...

Want Success? Get Used To It! Part1

As I head towards my goal of shedding the hundreds, maybe thousands, of pounds I gained during pregnancy, LOL. I have been exercising at New York Sports Club to help shed the pounds. There has never been a magic bullet for me. I...

Healthy School Lunch?!

I am so happy the Department of Agriculture is taking a step in the right direction for school lunches. The New Year is off to a good start! Here’s the latest, .

What Are Your Trigger Foods?

I bet you can name a few triggers that can set off an avalanche of unwanted indulgences. In order to avoid pulling the trigger to a diet disaster, read more...

Holiday Expectations Vs. Holiday Spirit

No matter what's going on feel good inside, spread the holiday spirit and most of all enjoy life! Download these songs on to your cell and think about me when your expectations start getting the best of you.