I'm Excited to Announce…

I'm excited to make a couple of announcements...both have to do with weight loss tools, a new podcast by Jimmy Moore and my book, "The Stubborn Fat Fix".

Stay Committed to Weight-Loss Goals

It's that time of year, Halloween kicks off the steady flow of candy, desserts and holiday fare that lasts a minimum of 6 months. Your commitment to controlled eating and exercise MUST begin now, .

Eat Saturated Fat For Good Health

For those of you who think eating low carb is a litttle edgey, I'm gonna take you one step further. It's now time to open your mind to the fact that saturated fat IS NOT evil lurking in animal sources if food.

Eat for Success: Menu Samples

Eating foods that contain serotonin, norepinephrine, acetylcholine and dopamine are important to support success in our daily activities. Here are a few examples of how to eat to succeed...

Acrylamide: A Carcinogen You May Want To Know About

Acrylamide is a “natural” chemical that has been classified as a carcinogen and it can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled or ingested. Find out where you can find acrylamide and how it is formed in your body by the foods you...

Why is Fluoride the Chosen One? Part II

"high levels of fluoride for extended periods of time may result in harm". Two examples of symptoms that might occur from overexposure are dental fluorosis (a condition typically occurring while teeth are developing in children...

Why is Fluoride the Chosen One?

Does it make sense to add fluoride to the water supply? No other vitamin or mineral is supplemented to the public in the same manner. Why not add calcium, vitamin D, magnesium boron or any other element that will strengthen bones?

Strong Bones: Moving Beyond Calcium and Vitamin D

By the time we hit our mid to late thirties we naturally start to lose bone mass and density. This is why broken and fractured bones become an issue as we get older. How should we keep bones healthy?

Food Guidelines: Steven Malanga Gets It

Federal guidelines and recommendations set by medical and nutritional associations fail to take current research into account when updating dietary guidelines. Steven Malanga who writes for the post has this to say...

Vitamin Water: Another "UN"Healthy Food in Disguise

My message is to always read the labels for ingredients while you focus on eating healthy products while lessening your attentiveness on the calories and fat. Otherwise, you may be doing lots of damage to your health. It is more...

Fresh Fruit Hold The Pesticides Please

Eating fresh fruit is very refreshing during the hot summer months. However, if the fruit is not organic, you may be consuming more than the healthy nutrients and thirst quenching appeal that you bargained for.

Carbohydrates and Starchy Foods Linked to Cancer?

When there is valid research suggesting a link between starchy and sugary foods and cancer, the public should be made aware and guidelines should be made that take into account all research not just the ones that fit a certain...

2010 Dietary Advisory Guidelines

The Dietary Advisory Committee (DAC) for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released recommendations for the 2010 dietary Guidelines for Americans. Unfortunately the guidelines put forth are disappointing to say...