Nothing But Pure Power

For all my readers I hope this inspires you. Do not be a slacker. Eat right, be active, rest and enjoy a healthy harmonious life.

Sweat It!

Sweat is sweet when it comes to good health and weight loss. So sweat it up!

Optimize Your Health Bring Eastern Medicine To The Table

"Doctors often merely manage symptoms and the symptoms are seen as something to be suppressed rather than a pointer to some underlying imbalance." Using Chinese medicine is a powerful complement to Western medicine, here's why...

Multitasking Magnesium Covers All Bases

When we talk about health risk factors, like cholesterol, blood pressure or even weight the lower the numbers the better. Yet this is not true when it comes to magnesium. Lower magnesium levels are bad for your health, here's why.

Oldies ( Weight Loss Tips) But Still Goodies

People may say, you want to lose weight, "eat less, exercise more". Sounds easy right? But if you eat less and you are hungry, weight loss never happens because inevitably you cannot eat less and more often you eat more. I have a...

5 "Villains" That Rob Your Hydration

Select foods that fuel hydration from the inside out. Avoid the "villains" that rob your body of the fluid and electrolytes that keep it working right.

Eggs Are Not Evil

Egg yolks are not evil, find out what nutrients they contain. Only 15% of blood cholesterol comes from food. The rest is created by your liver. Fix your liver, repair cholesterol levels.

Alzheimers Is…

Images show higher (NOT diabetic) blood sugar linked to Alzheimer's disease

Touché Bouley

What did David Bouley give me? Yes, a haute health meal but there was so much more...