Everyone knows that Valentine’s Day is celebrated in February. So, it’s a good time to talk about how to pile on the love without piling on the pounds. But, first I wanted to mention the other special occasions that do not focus on candy but are just as important.
1. Black history month
2. Ground hog’s Day
3. President’s Day
4. American Heart Month
My blog is dedicated to health topics and I believe that learning is part of brain health, so try to gain some knowledge on these other topics so that you improve your personal growth and development.
After, the fall and winter eating orgies (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years), I cannot believe we top it off with more dessert during February. I’m not sure which month, October or February, holds the prize for the most candy and chocolate consumption but I bet it’s close.
The chocolate and candy companies will not be too happy about what I’m going to say but I’d like to see the focus for the month of love switch from its center around chocolate to non-food activities. For one thing, you’d be doing your heart a favor in celebration of American Heart month but more importantly I believe we can show our love without having to eat. Taking the expectation of giving and getting a box of chocolate and substituting it with showing your love with simple acts of kindness.
Here are some interesting options:
1. Give a massage
2. Offer to help with a task that you know your loved one hates to do
3. Plant a flower or tree and watch it grow
4. Listen to relaxing music and dance with the one you love
5. Take the time to be a little bit more caring or take an interest in those around you
6. Watch a movie, go bowling, play a board game or do something you enjoy
7. Take time and do something for you, loving yourself is just as important as sharing your love
8. Create a note or use a quote of inspiration and place it somewhere your loved one will find it during the day
9. Donate your time to helping others
10. Save a dollar/day and use it next year to take a road trip to somewhere you’ve never been
If you try any of these, let me know how it works for you. I bet its one step closer to internal happiness. Also, please send your ideas I’d like to share them with my clients and colleagues.
If we can start thinking about how to enjoy life with activities other than eating we are one step closer to living healthier lives. We can change the viscious cycle of how food has become the token to happiness for ourselves, our family and our children and we can have different attitudes and relationships with loved ones and with food.
Happy and healthy Valentines Day!!!!!