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Defend Your Body With Your Bare Skin-Immune System (Part 1 of 3)

germs on the skinHave you wondered why it is that people seem to tend to get sick more during the fall and winter months? Is it because there are more germs floating around than during other seasons? Is it the cold temperature? Perhaps the immune system function is lowered? It’s not always a simple answer.

However, it’s not complicated to understand that flu season is upon us and looming overhead. The good news is – there are practical ways for you to strengthen your immunity.

Skin is part of our defense against germs. How does it help the immune system? What can you do to stay healthy?

Why Do People Get Sick? 

Several factors contribute to getting sick. You can’t feel your immune system weakening. Yet, despite feeling fine in the morning, by afternoon you’ve been ambushed by a cold or the flu. You’ll start feeling tired and achy as your body starts trying to fight off these unwelcome invaders.

As we move closer to the holidays your lifestyle shifts into hyper mode. Your daily responsibilities may not have changed yet, but the stress and pressure of the holidays have increased. Holiday expectations and preparations increase along with coordinating plans with your family and extended families, the stress begins to build. For many people, there is little time to breathe or even think about focusing on being healthy.

a boy sneezingDaily responsibilities mount, sleep suffers. The time squeezes on your day and you don’t focus on healthy eating. You find yourself eating on the go and focus less on what you are eating. When you do eat, it’s fast foods that don’t contain the nutrients your body needs to stay strong.

More germs lurking around, holiday stress, lack of sleep and eating poorly, your immune system takes a hit. It is the perfect set up, your body is at high risk of being sick.

Simple Balances in Lifestyle is Immune System Support

To build a healthy immune system, you’ll want to eat right, sleep and do some type of activity to move or stretch your body. Having these three elements in balance contributes to building healthy immunity. Stress, alcohol use, lack of sleep, and unhealthy foods take its toll while the body tries to fight off colds, flu, or other respiratory causing bugs. Cold weather and the holiday season doesn’t help you out much either. They are easy excuses for not spending time for yourself. Find time to exercise when it’s cold outside.

Which Body Parts Support the Immune System?

Initially, you might be surprised to learn that the immune system is driven by 6 body components.  Each part actively works together keeping you from falling victim to germs that make you sick. The skin, the gut, spleen, bone marrow, thymus, and lymph nodes boost immunity. Now, you don’t think about how important these pieces are in keeping you healthy, do you? But you should and you will. So, keep an eye out because over the next few blog posts where I will cover the immune system supporting organs in more detail.

The key to a strong immune system is keeping this whole system of organs healthy. For now, we will focus on the skin, the body’s largest organ.

Moist Skin is Your Immune System’s First Line of Defense

skin cream on the handsLike the gut, the skin hosts healthy bacteria to keep us from getting sick. But, the skin also provides the first line of defense when it comes to fighting germs. As a part of the immune system, your skin is a physical barrier designed to keep them out. At the same time, it secretes anti-bacterial agents which summons white blood cells to attack any germ invaders.

When you use anti-bacterial hand sanitizers that contain alcohol dry or kill bacteria, they eliminate all bacteria, good and bad. This works against your body’s natural defenses.

Additionally, during winter months, the skin can dry and crack more easily. Small cracks or cuts in the skin, leave an opening for germs to invade your body.

The practical way to support your skin is to keep it moistened with natural, non-toxic creams. Both nutrients and toxins are also absorbed through the skin. So use non-alcoholic creams that nourish the skin with moisturizing ingredients.

Silver Biotics gel and skin cream are great skin moisturizers and have found to kill germs, viruses, bacteria, and fungus. Research has shown that the patented nano-silver can kill unwanted germs and intruders for 3-8 hours while helping you maintain soft skin.

Supporting Your Immunity Skin Deep

Think skin deep to protect against bugs trying to attack your immune system. Of course, the priority is to keep the skin moisturized as well as free from germs. How do you know which products provide the best defense for the skin?  Look for Silver Biotics and products containing these ingredients:

  • Hyaluronic Acid: A well known antiwrinkle treatment. It hydrates and is found naturally in the connective tissues of the skin.
  • Retinol: This is a form of vitamin A. It increases the amount of collagen your body makes while reducing wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Ester C (PH Neutral Vitamin C): Fights the loss of collagen that occurs with age. Vitamin C is also beneficial for helping minimize wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Ceramides: These fat molecules help moisturize and keep your skin tight. They are naturally found in the cells of your surface skin and are active barriers to any substance trying to infiltrate the skin.
  • Copper Peptide: Helps increase the body’s production of collagen and elastin, so the skin stays smooth, soft, and firm.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid: An antioxidant works to prevent skin damage, boost vitamin C levels, and lessen wrinkles.

Skin Toxins to Avoid

There are thousands of brands of skin care products available today – both online and off. You don’t have to look far in any store to find a plethora of products touting how they are healthy for the skin. However, even products marketed as helping protect your skin, like sunscreen, can contain toxic chemicals. These toxins are absorbed through the skin and hurt the immune system.

Skincare product ingredients have been linked to cancer, reproductive issues for both men and women, disrupt hormone function, birth defects, nervous-system disorders, and allergies. Beware of these 12 toxic ingredients.

Skin Care’s Dirty Dozen

  1. Parabens (methyl, propyl, and isobutylparaben): Synthetic compounds often used as a preservative in a wide range of beauty, health, and personal care products.
  2. Phthalates (BBP, MBzP, DBP, MBP, MEHP): Chemicals used in liquid cosmetic and skincare products to keep them from becoming too stiff.
  3. Triclosan (ethanol alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, povidone-iodine, benzalkonium chloride, chloroxylenol or PCMX): is banned in the US by the FDA in 2016, triclosan is a chemical that is absorbed through the skin and found in hand soaps, gels, bar soaps, and body washes.
  4. Toluene: A solvent used in nail polish remover (banned by the FDA in December 2017 but may still be used Internationally).
  5. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, SLS/Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES (sodium dodecyl sulfate, dodecyl sulfate, sodium salt, sodium n-dodecyl sulfate): Surfactant is used in cleaning, personal care, and cosmetic products. Particularly, SLS is found in about 90% of foaming personal care products.
  6. Aluminum: A toxic metal found in personal care products.
  7. DEA, MEA, and TEA: Typically found in foaming products, like soaps and facial cleansers,  in eye makeup, sunscreens, and hair products.
  8. Imidazolidinyl: Found as a preservative in many skin care products, shampoos, conditioners, and cosmetic products.
  9. Mineral Oil: Petroleum is a by-product that clogs pores and interferes with the skin’s ability to eliminate toxins.
  10. Synthetic Fragrances:  is a term to disguise chemicals that harm you.
  11. Siloxanes (methicone, siloxane and other ingredients that end in “one” and “ane”): Found in cosmetics which soften, moisten, or smooth the skin.
  12. Propylene Glycol: A surfactant that penetrates the skin quickly and weakens the cell.

Read Those Labels!

Your immune system is depending on you. It is important to read ingredient labels carefully. Use the top 12 Dirty Dozen list and identify toxins found in skin and health care products. Don’t just skim over terms you don’t know. Learn to recognize which ingredients are beneficial and which are detrimental for your skin and health. Skincare products should be pure, organic and free from toxins that could harm you. Ideally, you can speak with a skincare expert who can help you choose the right healthy chemical-free products for your specific skin needs.

Keeping your skin, particularly your face and hands, hydrated and healthy during flu season can help your skin do its job as an immunity supporter.


Skin Deep Protection Supports Your Immune System Wrap-up 

Beat the battle of the sick storm. In the coming weeks, I’ll continue to talk more about how to keep your immune system strong. When it comes to defending yourself against germs that will take you down, making you sick and tired. Fight hard, protecting your skin is the first line of defense to maintaining wellness. Keep your skin hydrated using naturally nourishing products. Avoid those that dry skin and contain toxins. Keeping your skin healthy will help you stay healthy! Keep germs and the flu at bay by protecting your skin first. After all, it’s protecting you!





About the author

Valerie Goldstein

Valerie raises the bar for health and nutrition know how with unconventional expertise and unconditional support for wellness.