Diet and Nutrition Healthy Eating Tips

Pill Poppers Beware of Getting Robbed

Pill poppers beware because you are getting robbed. I’m not just talking cash money but more importantly of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and other nutrients required in small amounts by the body) that are vital to  your health. You may think you are remedying a problem by popping a pill when in fact you may be creating additional health issues to deal with.
The drugs you use to better your health have side effects that you may or may not realize also have negative consequences on your health. Almost fifty percent of the US population uses one prescription medicine and over 20% of us use 3 or more prescriptions.
So this is why I decided against just mentioning statins (as promised 2 weeks ago), instead I will list a broader range of over the counter (OTC) and prescription drugs that may negatively impact how you feel.
For example, medications that reduce risks of heart disease can affect your sleep pattern or deplete nutrients causing other types of health risks including the heart itself. Simple pills like aspirin can cause stomach irritation. Steroids, can stimulate appetite, cause cravings and actually cause diabetes.
If you fit into the pill popping category ask yourself if a healthcare expert has ever warned you about nutrient depletion and its consequences or suggested using supplements that can re-nourish the nutrient loss from taking a pill? Before you pop a pill discuss these issues and options with your doctor.  Keep in mind, natural supplements can interact with prescription medications. I have provided dosing for some of these but always speak to your doctor about the appropriate supplements and dosing for you.
1. Statins (lower cholesterol) * 
Deplete: CoQ10
Problem: muscle and joint pain and fatigue other problems include gum disease, heart arrhythmia, high blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, memory loss, cataracts, kidney and muscle damage and much, much more
Replenish: Ubiquinol 100-200mg
* Dr. Mercola goes into depth on the statin controversy,, despite an enormous list of side effects and a new warning from the FDA itself about statins and liver damage, the FDA is removing mandatory testing of liver function.
*Recently, The Nursing Times, reported “statins are ineffective in many cases and could be doing more harm than good. Evidence does not support the widespread use of statins in people at low risk of a cardiovascular event (expected annual risk of death from any cause below 1%, or expected annual risk of any cardiovascular event below 2%).” Despite this warning, interestingly enough, just recently, the government (not the medical community) requested that new guidelines come from The American College of Cardiology and The American Heart Association that will likely double the number of people who fit the criteria to use statin drugs,
2. Diuretics (lowers blood pressure)
Deplete: medicine potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, vitamins B1, B6 and C
Problems: osteoporosis, muscle cramps, insomnia, arrhythmia
Replenish: 100 mg potassium, 25 mg zinc, 500mg magnesium, 1000 mg calcium, vitamin B1 320 mg, vitamin B6 25 mg and 1000mg of vit. C
3. Tricyclics (antidepressants)
Depletes: Coq10
Problems:  any of the problems already mentioned including issues with the stomach skin and eyes
Replenish: Ubiquinol 100-200mg
4. Antacids (reduce stomach acid)
Depletes: chromium,  vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and interferes with digestion
Problems:  pernicious anemia, osteoporosis, blood sugar imbalance
Replenish: chromium 500 mcg, B12 200 mcg, folic acid 800 mcg, iron 15 mg, zinc 35mg, calcium 1,000 mg and phosphorus 700 mg
I’m not finished yet, the list is much longer. Next week the list continues, so check in to get the low down on the medicines that can rob you or a loved one of your good health.

About the author

Valerie Goldstein

Valerie raises the bar for health and nutrition know how with unconventional expertise and unconditional support for wellness.