Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /
The continuation of my list of medications from last week that may rob you of your health is lengthy. You may be surprised at this list and may not realize that you are a pill popper because for some of these on the list you do not need a prescription and it is just over the counter medicine.
Get in the habit of knowing about what you ingest (food, beverage, pill ) or inhale, read the packaging and educate yourself on what you put into the body. This is important with concerns of nutrient depletion but also with other health issues. For example, taking a laxative may be very helpful in a time of need but it is also addicting. If you take laxatives for a long enough time period, your bowels will not work without them. This is true of nasal spray as well. So for the sake of your health, I continue with number five on the pill popper list.
5. Birth Control Pills (prevent pregnancy)
This is a big one, so I ask you ladies before you start taking the pill, is he worth it? There are much safer ways to prevent pregnancy. One of which is to just say, “no”. If you are going to engage in sex, find a way to prevent pregnancy without messing up long-term mental and physical health. Taking the pill to regulate hormones? There are much safer ways to regulate them, speak to your doctor.
Depletes: Vitamins; B1, B2, B3, B-6, B9 (folic acid) and B12, C, the amino acid tyrosine, CoQ10 and minerals; selenium, magnesium and zinc (copper typically increases)
Problem: lowers immune system, sense of taste and sex drive and raises the risk of heart disease, depression, cancers of the colon and breast and CoQ10 depletion (see #1 statins,
Replenish: High potency multivitamin and multimineral, COQ10 200mg, Tyrosine on an empty stomach, speak with your doctor about dose
6. Diabetes Medications (lower blood sugar)
Depletes: vitamin B 12, folic acid (B9) and CoQ10
Problems: Uncontrolled muscle movements and weakness, low blood pressure, mood swings, eye issues
Replenish: vitamin B12 800 mcg, folic acid 400 mcg and CoQ10 100mg
7. Antibiotics (antibacterial)
Depletes: biotin, inositol, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and beneficial gut bacteria
Problems: yeast overgrowth or (candida), diarrhea and any other symptom mentioned before regarding depletion of these nutrients.
Replenish: biotin 50 mg, inositol 500mg, vitamins B1 25mg, B2 25mg, B3 50mg, B5 50mg, B6 50 mg, vitamin K 100mcg, calcium 1000mg, magnesium 500mg, potassium 100mg, iron and a probiotic of at least a billion active cultures to improve gut bacteria
8. Steroids (treat many conditions with inflammation and other ills from rashes to asthma)
Depletes: B vitamins, Vitamin C and D, folic acid, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium and zinc
Problems: decreased immunity, muscle weakness, weight gain, diabetes
Replenish: the vitamins and minerals using the information that have already been mentioned. Monitor blood sugar.
The list goes on to include medications for: ulcers, epilepsy, gout and acid reflux. It also includes over the counter and much more critical health treatments as chemotherapy, aspirin, laxatives, anti-fungals, antipsychotics, hormone replacement therapy and antibiotics.
Potentially “good” medications can be “bad” for your health. General symptoms of not feeling well may not be identified by your doctor and you may not be getting the answers or help that will make you feel better. Medications that rob the body of micronutrients may be culprit for your ills.
Take a minute to research your O-T-C or prescription before you pop a pill. Here are a few suggestions that may help so you have the knowledge to make educated decisions with your doctor about taking medicine and your health.
1. Read the package insert
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Just a fantastic article.
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 05:33:36 +0000 To: [email protected]