Are You Fed Up?

I am. Cutting sugar is a first step but for some people, cutting sugar will not be enough. Carbohydrates are metabolized into sugar and should be restricted too.

"Soft" Sugary Drinks Hit Health Hard

There is nothing soft about any "soft" drink in today's world. Just because a drink may be light, airy and refreshing (or so you assume), don't get stuck in a soda rut, thinking it is harmless. The effects on your body are the...

Seeking Saturated Fat

Use saturated fat, not drugs, to help lower blood pressure, cholesterol blood sugar and weight.

WTF Am I Eating?

Reading labels may not give you the whole story in regards to what you are eating!

Ready, Set, Go! Make A Change

Take the bull by the horns and GO for a healthy lifestyle, improve a diagnosis or relationship. It will likely be an opportunity for improved quality of life and good health not only for you but everyone around you.

Are You A Pill Popper?

Do you know anyone popping a pill? In all likelihood you do. I'm not talking street drugs. According to the Department of Health and Human Services AT LEAST half of Americans are using prescription drugs. Too many people are...