The King of Ketosis

At a minimum, Dr. Atkins should be known as the "King of Ketosis". Ketosis simple means burning fat. When your body burns fat it helps correct metabolic health and weight issues. If you are not healthy or cannot seem to lose...

The Calorie Theory: Drop It Like It’s Hot

139 days 'til summer! Don't wait 'till it's too late, whether your "beach body" goal is to build muscle, lose a couple pounds or drop a few dress sizes get the ball rolling now.

20 Shades of Green

All shades of green are not created equal. Certainly you can minimize the fizzle and quick start the sizzle by adding 20 shades of green to your diet.

Te Amo Semper

A re-post on how exercise changed my life. Please share your "IT" with us!

Warming "Yang" Foods For Balancing The Cold Season

TCM foods have warming and cooling characteristics based on each foods "energy" characteristics regardless of its served temperature. Consider TCM philosophies to warm your heart and the rest of your body in the cold season using...

Which Health Expert Eats The Best Breakfast?

  Not all health experts eat what I consider to be a healthy breakfast. They may think they are setting a good example but I post this so you can see how your breakfast compares with the “experts” and determine...