Select foods that fuel hydration from the inside out. Avoid the "villains" that rob your body of the fluid and electrolytes that keep it working right.
Category - Healthy Foods
Eggs Are Not Evil
Egg yolks are not evil, find out what nutrients they contain. Only 15% of blood cholesterol comes from food. The rest is created by your liver. Fix your liver, repair cholesterol levels.
Touché Bouley
What did David Bouley give me? Yes, a haute health meal but there was so much more...
Vote for Voice in Food Politics
When someone questions the establishment, should they are swept under the rug in hopes no one will notice?
Real Milk May Become Extinct As It Competes With Sugary Sports...
What's wrong with eating food the way g-d created it? The dairy industry wants to take away your right to know. Get involved and stop the extinction of milk, stop the destruction of our food supply. Make your voice heard.
Freedom Of Choice? Apparently Not When It Comes To Food.
What is more alarming and devastating to our health than this years' flu epidemic? Don't miss this!
Low Carb, Low Calorie Diet No No's Are Now Yes, Yes
Have you tried Shirataki, a Japanese noodle that fits into any diet plan?
10 Winter Warm and Healthy Low Carb Foods and Beverages
There's nothing better than sitting by the fire, relaxing and eating warm food when it is cold outside! Here is a list of my favorite foods that help keep warmth in my soul and a smile on my face.
Weigh-In, Kids: Will People Change Their Eating Behaviors?
Watch these videos and weigh-in on childhood obesity and the daring tactics some are taking to increase awareness on the obesity epidemic.
Eat Foods With Fat (5): Balance Foods With Fat
Why is this so important?