Colloidal silver works as an antiviral (, antifungal and antibacterial that destroys parasites, including both anaerobic and aerobic bugs (even the ones that are antibiotic resistant ( rendering us helpless victims to the illness du jour. For this reason, it is more versatile than an antibiotic and much more valuable than gold when it comes to staying healthy.
Silver saves the day with a superhero’s arsenal of weaponry. When it comes to protecting us against germs it uses magnetic “force” (through positive charge) and works to:
- blast away the oxygen capability of aerobic bugs
- kill anaerobic germs via oxidation by demolishing enzymes that help maintain its anaerobic state
This is not breaking news. Silver is nothing new. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it to preserve food and they used silver utensils to help prevent food borne pathogens from causing disease. Later in the late 1800’s 1% silver nitrate was placed into the eyes of newborns to prevent blindness from gonorrhea. Treatment dressings for burn victims and wounded soldiers contain silver as a healing ingredient. Silver has been used by surgeons and hospitals preventively against infection and even used by the International Space Station to disinfect water.
I use Silversol by American Biotech labs myself for the last 7 years and recommend it to clients for:
- dental hygiene
- building and maintaining a healthy immune system especially when an illness is coming on, or when I hear the flu is out and about
- travel (before and during )
- kids germs and cuts (faster healing), ear infections and skin lesions (molluscum)
- jock itch
- yeast infections (candida)
- herpes
- as a spray-on hand sanitizer and disinfectant for gym equipment
There are so many uses for Silversol. Typically I do not recommend brands but I am in this case because some silver products may not be for everyone. There are some silver products that interact with prescription medication: penicillamine (Cuprimine, Depen), quinolone antibiotics, tetracycline and thyroxine (Levothroid, Levoxyl, Synthroid).
Silversol is a new generation product. It seems that its’ patented technology (a multi-valant silver oxide coating surrounding the silver nano-particle) gives it more bioavailability and makes it more stable because it attaches to the water solution it is carried in “Silversol”. It is a tasteless liquid.
Salt is its one kryptonite and can reduce its effectiveness. So do not use Silversol with salt or higher sodium foods.
There seems to be no risk of ” turning blue”,, especially if taken in moderate amounts and not in excess. No worries about killing healthy gut bacteria or some of the concerns with medication interaction as other silver products. I found a couple of recent studies on its safety, in, and checked out the author, here’s what I found:
“Funding: This study was funded in part by Award Number UL1RR025764 from the National Center for Research Resources. Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest or financial interests in any product or service mentioned in this article, including grants, employment, gifts, stock holdings, honoraria, consultancies, expert testimony, patents, and royalties.”
So this should be reliable data. However, as I tell all my clients, if you take any product, food, beverage or supplement and think it affects you in any way. Use common sense, communicate with your doctor.
There is no such thing as a “magic” bullet. But there is such a thing as a silver bullet. Save yourself from getting sick and get rid of germs (foreign body invaders) that make you ill. Silversol is a superhero when it comes to guarding against a “home invasion” of body bugs including infections, bacteria, viruses and fungi, that can knock you down for the count!
I use Colloidal silver for many things. I bought a small nebulizer online so I can breathe in the silver to my sinuses and lungs. Never had clearer sinuses. When I recently had a cold and combined nebulized silver with ingesting silver, my cold was gone in 2 days. I helped a friend get over a fungal lung infection with breathing the colloidal silver, among a few other things.