health Articles

Power of a Hug

Holiday season is hectic. We often are running in overdrive and stress levels can be at an all time high. Life goes by fast. Don’t waste a single day without making hugs a part of it. Hug your loved ones everyday and tell them how much you appreciate them. It will make you and your loved ones feel good and motivated to help each other during these stressful times.

You may even want to schedule specific times for family hugs when you know that there are certain times of the day when everyone seems overwhelmed. You can hug your daily stress away.

Have you had your hug, or given one, today?

About the author

Valerie Goldstein

Valerie raises the bar for health and nutrition know how with unconventional expertise and unconditional support for wellness.

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  • This is inspirational….and so true. We often lose the real meaning of a holiday….it’s not about the food or gifts…it’s about doing something good for someone else.