A Paleo Diet is more than just a diet. It is a way of life that copies what our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate before highly processed foods were available. It consists of unprocessed meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, and nuts...
Nourish Your Life
The bottom line: Nutrition Optimization (NO), get the most nutrient bang for the calorie buck!
Feed on foods and beverages that provide a broad range of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fats, proteins and healthy carbohydrates.
Eating To Fuel
Eating and drinking should be nothing more than a pleasurable, stress and hassle free experience.
Using food as a fuel can influence focus and mental acuity, work ability, moods, genetics (cells and DNA), weight, sports performance, aging, wellness, family gatherings/social events and everything we do in life.
We all care about food: how it's prepared, how it looks, how it tastes, how it makes us feel and just as importantly how it effects health and weight.
Simple strategic tools can give you the "how to" on eating to fuel. Being an educated consumer and making better lifestyle decisions is part of your responsibility to you.
Fuel Your Mind, Body & Soul
Food is the fuel that potentiates energy not just through calories (from carbohydrates, proteins and fats) but with water, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, enzymes and co-enzymes. In balance, each nutritional component contributes to the vitality of the mind and the body's internal organs and the skin, blood flow, blood sugar and hormone regulation, muscle flexibility, involuntary and voluntary body processes and so much more. Fueling the mind and body invigorates the soul.
Life is precious. Relax, enjoy and remember not to sweat the small stuff.
Living life to the fullest means caring for yourself. No matter who you are or what foods you choose to fuel your body, understand that rest, sleep, motivation, stress control and activity level are important ingredients in the recipe to balance the mind, body and soul.
Why me?
Because you will not find anyone who will work harder to find the weight, health or performance solutions you need. Read what others are saying.
Consider "symptoms" as signals your body uses to communicate to you. Understanding the synergy between the signals and other unique elements in your life is what will work. That is why no results are ever the same. Similar, yes but never exactly the same. If you are dedicated and eating to fuel is a priority, I can act as your personal guide on this journey.
Together we tap into body signals (overweight, hunger/cravings, low energy, mood swings etc...) to help identify which course of action to take to balance:
- Inflammation
- Toxins
- Aging
- Micronutrient deficiencies
- Macronutrient imbalances
- Genetic snips
- Health and medical concerns
- Physical activity and body composition goals
- Emotional ups and downs and stress
- Career responsibilities and family obligations

As a team we attain success.
I am always interested in hearing from you. Walk through the door, transform to a new you. Leave me you story that may help others or just say hello. If you have an inspirational quote, please share and help others.
You can also follow me on Facebook, twitter, linked in and blog
Fuel your health and happiness,
Valerie Goldstein, MS, RD, CDE. CDN
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