health Articles

Ah Ah Ah Allergies

oedema of the conjunctiva due to hay fever allergy

oedema of the conjunctiva due to hay fever allergy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wonder what happened to me last week? Well I’m not gonna lie.  Allergies. Not mine, my child. For a week, day and night I was researching what to do. No, complaints but 3 rounds of different antibiotics, allergy medicine and 4 visits to the doctor, still there remains an ear infection. The antibiotics seemed to have cleared up one ear but the other is still going strong.
I have researched natural ways to relieve allergy and prevent inflammation which seems much better than the idea of living on Allegra or Claritin for months on end. Yet you need to be able to buy in to the process. Ear tubes are on the most viable option on the table now.
Allergies can make you miserable. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, it is likely that approximately 50 million of us (or 1 out of 5) suffer from allergies. An allergic reaction occurs when a person’s immune system reacts to normally harmless substances, triggering an IgE antibody response.
Sneezing, wheezing, itchy skin, coughing (post nasal drip), watery or dark circles under the eyes, if you think you may have seasonal allergies and are not sure try this self screening tool, However, the biggest flag for me was the ear multiple infections. Who knows maybe these are not just from allergy? I’m not an expert.
But here’s something interesting I found.
Conventional wisdom relies heavily on antihistamine treatments and creating barriers to the allergen (pillow/bed covers etc…) tubes in the ears to help fluid drainage (seems to be my biggest problem).
Alternative treatments include:
saline nasal sprays (this is very useful)
supplements and herbs
chiropractic adjustments
Are you uncomfortable in your skin? Tell me how you protect yourself from allergies? I need to know!!!!!

About the author

Valerie Goldstein

Valerie raises the bar for health and nutrition know how with unconventional expertise and unconditional support for wellness.