You know, I’m not sure why Dr. Lustig was chosen for this piece. His comment about high fructose corn syrup being just as bad as sugar is so off the chart wrong it’s almost criminal. But I agree, processed foods including sugar, high fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin…should be avoided.
I’m happy that he is on this campaign and more professionals are finally admitting that what has been promoted as healthy, “Eliminate fat and you will not be fat”, IS NOT necessarily true. Kimber Stanhope, a nutritional biologist at the University of California, Davis has actually changed her own diet as she observes the results of her study.
Here’s a piece on high fructose corn syrup I wrote awhile back. It is worth a quick read,’s-clothing/.
One of the BIG messages I believe is so true and if so, I am way before my time (LOL). It is a mantra that I repeat to my clients all the time. “All calories are NOT equal”. If sugar is addicting and leads to health complications when you eat it, how is that the same when you eat the same amount of calories from a satisfying and nourishing piece of fish?
Three major points:
1. Many of the main health diseases (obesity, diabetes, cancer) are related to over sugar consumption (this means carbs too).
2. When sugar is consumed changes in the brain occur similar to that of cocaine addiction.
3. You probably do not realize how much sugar/carbs you are eating because we have been trained to think eat carbs not fat.
There is so much to talk about, I’m in low carb heaven :). More points on this next week.
Related articles
- Americans Are Killing Themselves With Sugar (