Blood Sugar Levels Healthy Eating Tips Healthy Foods

Signs of Low Blood Sugar & Signs of High Blood Sugar


signs of low blood sugar and signs of high blood sugar

How Many People Have Signs of Low Blood Sugar & High Blood Sugar?

How many people have signs of low blood sugar or experience the signs of high blood sugar and do not even know it? The statistics for hypoglycemia and diabetes are staggering.

BLOOD SUGAR STATISTICS (Adult Americans in 2015)

  • Pre-diabetes (includes those with low blood sugar):  84.1 million

  • Diabetes: 23.1million

  • Undiagnosed 8.1 million

  • New Cases: 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year.

Signs of Low and High Blood Sugar

There are so many people who are not familiar with what happens when blood sugar is out of control.  In fact, over 8 million people have blood sugar issues and do not know it. Despite a diagnosis, if you are not paying attention, you may not realize what is happening to you.

Regardless of the cause, the signs of low and high blood sugar are the same.

It is important to pay attention to how you feel. The signs of high and low blood sugar are general. You may not realize they are even happening.


How Do You Feel?

Ask yourself the following questions.

1. Do you crave “sweets” or carbohydrates or hungry 1-2 hours after meals?

2. Do you wake up at night to urinate?

3. Are you excessively hungry or thirsty?

4. Is it difficult to get or maintain an erection?

5. Does anyone in your family have diabetes?

6. Do you gain most of the weight in the stomach?

7. Do you feel faint or lightheaded if you miss a meal?

8. Do you have frequent mood swings?

9. Are your gums bleeding?

10. Have you had gas, bloating,  heartburn or vaginal yeast infections/candida?

And, yes, there are more symptoms to watch out for. 


Get Help

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may have a blood sugar issue. These can be signs of low and high blood sugar. Blood sugar issues are seen in many medical conditions: pre-diabetes, diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, depression and other psychological conditions, and reactive hypoglycemia.

There is a lot of support for helping people with the signs of high blood sugar.

If you have reactive hypoglycemia and signs of low blood sugar, there are not as many resources. But, you can start with these: 

Diet is a powerful and effective tool that will help.  Due to the negative influence carbohydrate has on blood sugar activity,  it is wise to focus eating on other foods that will blood sugar to remain stable.  Hence, trying to avoid carbohydrate-containing foods that will directly affect blood sugar and your health is pivotal in treating any blood sugar condition.

Likewise, if you need personalized help, I can help you manage your blood sugar issues. If you are interested in learning more about how to care for your blood sugar, please contact us.


Signs of Low & High Blood Sugar Wrap Up

How you feel is very important. Consider the signs of low blood sugar and the signs of high blood sugar. Use diet to help manage blood sugar. If you need help, get it.


About the author

Valerie Goldstein

Valerie raises the bar for health and nutrition know how with unconventional expertise and unconditional support for wellness.