Category - health Articles

health Articles

5 Dirty Little Cellulite Secrets

Cottage cheese thighs are nobody's friend. While it may be near impossible to completely get rid of cellulite, it certainly is not a waste of time to try these skin supporting tips. You can make improvements in your skin's health...

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health Articles

Statins: The Drug Deal

There are natural alternatives to statins. The first step is to speak with your doctor about eating a ketogenic diet, like the one I write about in my book, "The Stubborn Fat Fix" and using the supplements mentioned here, .

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health Articles

Eat Your "Diabesity" Out

(worth a look see, excellent site) The past two weeks I have written about Diabesity, what it is, , and how to identify it, . This week it is all about the simple solution. While eating right is not always the easiest answer. It...

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